The Drake Exploration Society
The Issue of the Drakes' Descendants
Extensive research has been conducted by society member Susan Jackson
on Drake's family tree. Therefore, we are prepared to assist the
serious researcher in this area. However, we wish to emphasise our
opposition to those claiming to be descended from Sir Francis Drake.
Our view is based upon the following facts.
It is impossible for anybody to be descended from Sir Francis
Drake. Although he was married twice, he did not produce any
children. Furthermore, there is no evidence whatsoever, of any
illegitimate issue.
Descent from his brother Thomas could be possible but highly
remote. Thomas only fathered two children and the direct male line
died out in the 18th century. There are indirect descendants of
Thomas via the female line; in England, America and Switzerland.
However, the relationship is very distant and tenuous.
Descent from a cousin is not possible. Sir Francis only had two
paternal cousins, being John and Robert Drake; both of whom died
without issue. The word cousin or kin were very loose terms in
Elizabethan England and covered a multitude of relationships. Some
of these were very distant.
We are not overtly interested in descent from a 16th century Drake,
unless a direct relationship can be proved. A descendant, even from
a 16th century Tavistock Drake does not prove an ancestral link to
Sir Francis. Therefore, unless substantial contrary evidence
emerges, we regret that the direct line of the Drake's of Crowndale
died out in the 18th century.
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